When Ya got it ya got it Polycystic Kidney Disease Facts

Behind Closed doors!

Chronically Speaking

over 15 years ago I was Diagnosed accidentally after crashing my snowmobile with ADPKD,


the doctor had told me that my what my father had died of { an anyuerism }Β  an he didn’t even know but he did because it is hereditary! 12 years ago with PKD i was diagoosed an evr since it has been traking havoc on my systems. too many cysts for mikey to have a kidney transplant nowΒ  i am told 😦 if ya do not know what PKD is please check see the following video; recently i did another stint in hospital for 2 days seems to happen every few months, today i has a lady do a deep photoscopy in my werld, in my abdomen, she says my cysts are all over inside an well is suprised i am still aliv3e.well i’d somehow call that co existin with the pain as i do daily is like my grandma is knitting a blanket she is making for me in side my body with big ol knitting needles…..woza huh..weell video will enlighten ya some to my plight an flights in life …i am in level 4 an have been 4 quite some time now.get sick evry few months when toxic i do ….so check out the vids if ya want to learn more …..till laters i gonna go relax em a bit….till next time πŸ™‚ take care Q keep da sunny side up πŸ™‚ 😎 an ur heart in da right place ya might live longer πŸ™‚


Q yep one in 20,000 people πŸ™‚ mikey is ….




14 thoughts on “When Ya got it ya got it Polycystic Kidney Disease Facts

  1. It is heart wrenching to read and see how much suffering this disease brings you. You are remarkable in how you always end on an up note- keep the sunny side up. Sending the power of a hug and a smile to you.

    • thanQ lady……….. πŸ™‚ firm believer in rife frequency machines now an that the body is a living energy field an lotsa diseases can be hald back an or cured when the correct frequencies are introduced to the system, the gal today was amazed i am still alive….was very curious as to how i was maintaining,thanQ for da compliment u are always appreciated by mikey here πŸ™‚ 😎

  2. PKD is in my husband’s family. Half of his father’s family had it, both male and female and some passed it on to their children. Fortunately for my husband and his siblings, none of them seem to have inherited it. You are an inspiration to anyone with any type of illness and live your life to the full. Good on you.

      • Sheesh. Do you have to drive yourself down the mountain?

        Maybe a slide could be constructed from your front door to the jump off place you could fly to the hospital?

        A parking place could be reserved on the helicopter pad πŸ™‚


      • bout it yep………. furst day i had a friend take me an second day io drove myself……an yep i called in advance but it didn’t help much either time…..

  3. Reblogged this on Quarksire and commented:

    GOOD NEWS IN Q’s WERLD THESE DAYS CONCERINING HIS DEAD KIDNEYS! lol…Well FACTS ARE NOT ALWAYS the truth forever πŸ™‚ lol thank the higher order of things for that!..AN THANKS FOR GENETIC FLIPS I GUESS! …No thanks but evry thank also to evry “FLIP KITTY” i ever met that brought me to this point in my life!
    .THE NEW NEPHROLOGIST I HAVE well! he says no prob! he can do a transplant on me ! an he wants to !…especially if i have a donor with a kidney for me!…So contrary to what i have been told by other kidney docs an surgeons in da’ past…well this man is in agreement with Mike here…So next tuesday i spend all day at the kidney world in my area here…an get all the mapping done etc etc …so they can get access in case they have to dialysis…He tells me it would be great if i have a match in my kidneys an all frum my donor…If that becomes the case ( A MATCH) .. i believe so!… well then he wants to proceed with getting me into the state of mind an state of being an take the proper pre drugs etc etc an follow orders…an get the kidney installed ASAP!… says i can get anywheres frum a year plus to 5 er 10 even more depending upon the rest of my bodys organs …
    Couple of links for the day here for my followers whom might care to check it out……Kidney transplantation is a life-extending procedure.[46] The typical patient will live 10 to 15 years longer with a kidney transplant than if kept on dialysis.[47] The increase in longevity is greater for younger patients, but even 75-year-old recipients (the oldest group for which there is data) gain an average four more years of life


    Click to access KidneyDialysisLifeExpectancy.pdf

    ……………….SO …….we shall see ……………as the world turns…..I am jest one of many with the same problem all over the world…OR? well, i should rather call it a situation..that needs a solution..an no problem .right .lol.well…time will tell here.an shall keep the world that wunders informed πŸ™‚ PS: thanks to those of u whom have written an or called me concerning my latest rants…an the condition of my health πŸ™‚ etc etc..Means the world to me …
    LAST few days here a has been a regular course in miracles for me… many syncronicities etc etc..all over the place ..creating the MOMENTS to experience for what they are…
    My greatest thanks to all whom have assisted this ol guy in his plight of life here on this rock flying through space at an incredible speed LOL .well. that in itself is a miracle to me ..HOW IT ALL WERKS IS JEST 2 kewl foer skewl πŸ™‚ indeed…. over an out frum all
    @ facts change …things change! yes indeed. I am jesta hopin the changes here will be for the better for myself an also my precious donor…Beside myself with love an thanks for this person in my life…..
    an whats weird is all the bad things done to me etc etc over the years brought me to this stage of being blessed with the greatest thing on the planet! LOve …Kindness…Compassion…an the awareness that one day @ a time …” IT IS WHAT IT IS” …an well.. jest got to “DEAL WITH IT! .yep.
    Got to stay on the right freQuency ya know!….

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