Good News Bad News in Quarksires World…hmmm

And that leadz me to this!!!! I got the WordPress Editor to open for the furst time in a month since they changed up on all the stuff here…an it accepts my colored text etc etc..will see laters if it takes a pic added…Well,,,,that was the good news….second bit of good news for 2016 for me is it is almost over…….Hoping many things i have talked bout over the years are werth something to someone along the line as they read my blogwerld here…Years ago i started blogging to help keep myself mentally healthy an share with others on the planet how i do that an also physically healthy to the best of my abilities, an everyones ability is different an some folks are jest capable of more than others depending upon the disability they have.

     I have written many post-its bout love an healing an moving forward without hesitation in life through out my blog werld here…each with an idea to help another to solve a particular problem they might have concerning that subjekt…or sumtimes jest to bring a bit of light of humor into ones day…

     !0 years ago i was told i had a short amount of time to survive on this planet…in the months..wouldn’t make it many years they said…Well.I have no surpassed the marker with my dis-ease that well…they say the normal person would be in bed 4 ever over….so i am doing pert good in my opinion…but doc says get things in order mikey…An has ordered me to do kidney dialysis….my level of kreatinin has risin to the level of 8.5 on the rickter scale…..

     Essentially my kidneys have stopped functioning as far as he is concerned…an they ordered an ultrasound for tuesday…all well an fine in a way…but they ordering me to dialysis which is 40 miles away an is 3 times a week an quite a commitment…i can make it but all 3 of my vehicles are broken down an have been since thanksgiving…living on disability suks when ya can’t jest fix the shit ya need to cuz ya don’t have enuff $$$ but is what it is so i stranded @ it is..werking on my course in a miracle..evry day in my life for the last 10 years it has been.i still here….

     MOrtgage means death note lol…an i only have a couple of years till its totally paid…now they tell its time to leave get my shit my stuff in order for that happy moment..damn i was jest starting to have fun in this life…is a trip that when ya get to the point where it is alll werth while an all that was was werth while also…welll.the good news comes in? 😦 well, depends upon how ya lewk at it huh!…I myself like this life…an wish i could stay around for a while an intend to ….but ya never know really i guess the way i see it now..

     all i can do is hope an pray thati have had somethin to offer the ones that needed my help in recovery over the years ..frum whatevr the dis-ease might have been.hope i did a good job at helpin ya all get a better grip on some of the simple yet very complicated things on this planet…..One is love verses fear……….an i hope that love wins over in 2017 for one an allz that come across the whacked werld of Q here……….Yep There is a reason why i do this blog site an its not jest for my entertainment……or learnin But for YOURS!.Namaste 2 one an all frum the Q aka mike in southern colorado…..

PS: its gonna snow again tomorrow..! lol ya would nevr know we shall see…….

adios til next time Q……..!

WordPress Fuks ItselF :( a Quarked Tri-polar Rant




This is a post on a private site that you’re following, but not currently a member of. Please request membership to display these posts in Reader. an jest how do i do that if they don’t tell me who it is?


I had to search to find this. Are you aware of the changes to the WP Reader? They are compressing and chopping posts in the Reader to accomplish what they call “streamlining” so the viewer can scan more posts more quickly while seeing less of your content in their reader. What WP is doing is giving your post much less than half the room it used to have in the reader, sometimes only two lines of text if you don’t have photos.

They are also now inserting blogs they promote in your Reader. So they are taking up the room they are saving by compressing your posts in the Reader with blogs you are not following and they are promoting. Personally I LIKE HAVING THE CHOICE TO FOLLOW WHOMEEVR I WISH FRUM MY OWN PREFERENCES..WITHOUT BEING LIKE U TUBE AN FACEBOOK AN THROWING ADS FOR SITES I COULD GIVE A SHIT BOUT!? wtf again??? I found that and the reader is the same on da’ phone so far! So why didn’t it change?


Some of the format ideas have potential, but as it is I’d call it a step backwards. This place isn’t Facebook, and shouldn’t be treated like it is.,,,,this is a place to have blog posts and a SECURE internet page the way u want it an not the way wordpress wants it!…i pay for my dot com here……… totally chicken shit to me that companies like yahoo360…multiply …go down the tubes an become commercial only after doing stuff like this………I have had 4 websites in 10 years now an every company has pulled this crap..LIKE WTF is what i have to say …….must be 300 people that don’t have a clue what is happening here!……insanity at its best when ya try to convince someone that taking away is better…I came to wordpress cuz they had more.over the past few years with all their scripting etc etc…has become more an more like facebook every time they make the totally fucked up.i liked the format 2 years ago much better! an i know most of my readers did also…..
now i do a post an get 2 sentences in reader? wtf? i rely on my reader an now it is garbage…WTF wordpress?????????????????????????????streamlining WHAT UR PROFITS!?????????????


This seems manipulative and non-transparent on WordPress’s part and not in the best interest of bloggers. Ugh! Terrible! That’s really underhanded. Why should they decide what we or our readers should see?t is kind of a form of bullying and I did see the change and all of their advertised sites and no offense to them I wouldn’t sign on. Not a cool Christmas gift to bloggers WP!

OMG Really trulY (WHY) OH WHY) check this out! Over 300 people have LIKED it so far!


A Refreshed Reader for 2017….what a fuked up X MAS PRESENT AGAIN 4 THE READERS! who USE THEIR READERS daily!………
Reader now sports a simplified design, new post layouts, spiffed-up tag pages, and recommended posts.
reader, Reader

ps: open my editor takes 4 EVeR NOW ??  an can’t use the pull down bar in the editor for coloring  or underlining text etc etc..still have to drag it frum somewhere else? another WTF?>


  1. WP no longer show which WordPress template each of us uses. Some folks like to change theirs occasionally and can’t find out what the template name is when I see someone has an interesting one. Annoying to say the least. I get a suspicion that with this new format then in the future the bloggers can pay to get their posts promoted in the WP readers, just like in Instagram. I am afraid it will go that way.
  2. an on top of all that i PAY TO HAVE A DOT COM AD FREE..SO WHAT THE FUK ARE THEY DOING PUTTING ADS AT THE BOTTOM OF MY WEB PAGES FOR THEN????????????? AN ALL THE NEW CALYPSO JAVA SCRIPT ERRORS ARE INSANE .WHY NOT JEST LEAVE SOMETHING GOOD ALONE! I WUNDER? forced obsolescence an forcing everyone on the net to update to newer software by all the companies involved SUKS ALSO IN MY BOOK!…..If i have a 3 year old car an it is in good running condition ..why force me to put a new transmission in it to still drive it on the same roads?
  3. PEACE-OUT frum
  4. quantum_quark

Everyone is a Lightwerker Believe it er not!



Arcturian Group Message November 20, 2016



NOVEMBER 20, 2016


Greetings dear ones.  All is proceeding according to plan even though it may seem to you that the world is going backwards.  Powerful energies of Light are creating a new world awareness resulting in battles between the old and the new.  New frequencies of Light are exposing  information and those who benefit from leaving things as they are, do not like it.


This is what will bring change although it cannot happen in a moment for the majority needs time to process what they are becoming aware of.  Those who are more intuitively awake know what it is they are seeing, and their realization of the truth behind all appearances is what is  helping to dissolve these old energies.


Every individual  is consciously or unconsciously journeying toward full awakening but not everyone is  at the same level of awareness at the same time.  Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lifetimes, whereas newer souls may have been only on earth several times and still need many more life experiences before they will be ready to move into  higher levels of awareness.


Continue to send Light and love to the world, visualizing earth and all her life forms as pure Light, for this is what they really are.   This makes you Lightworkers.  A lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that in spite of appearances to the contrary everyone is a Spark of the one Divine Light.


Many continue to think of lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation for in truth everyone is a spiritual being and every activity becomes Lightwork when done with awakened eyes and ears.


Lightwork is the natural effect of an evolved state of consciousness, one that without conscious effort can lift the energy of those receptive.  Even the most seemingly  insignificant of daily interactions are Lightwork when they flow on energy streams of true Love and Light.


The time has arrived for mankind to cease declaring everything as either good or bad.  This is duality and separation for  nothing exists but the Divine in expression and to limit any person, place, or thing as less than that is third dimensional consciousness.  Nothing exists that is not in its truest sense,  spiritual.  The un-awakened state of consciousness ignorant of truth,  judges by appearances and then places labels on everything.  You are ready to stop playing this game.


Stay centered in what you know to be truth, aware that the energy of concern and worry you may flow to something adds energy and power to it.  Pretending not to see discord  by sticking your head in the sand and shouting; “God is all”, is very human.   No, as enlightened beings, you are learning not to  give power to appearances knowing that belief in and fear of anything perpetuates it.  You can then take whatever assisting human footsteps you may be intuitively guided to take, if any.  Actions done from this higher sense of awareness carry a  higher energetic resonance  becoming Lightwork.


Because the world is quickly moving into a seasonal time of giving and celebration, we wish to speak of Care or caring, a term that is  commonly  understood  to  mean consideration of another’s feelings,  needs, and general welfare.  It is this, but much more.


Caring is actually one of the first steps  everyone makes in their soul journey toward attaining the  consciousness of unconditional love.  In reality caring and love are one and the same, but this fact is usually not known by those unaware of deeper truths.   Caring is usually an individual’s first experience of interconnectedness, especially for those who limit their expressions of love only to family and friends.


This is part of the loving service that pets can provide.  Accepting responsibility for a pet may be the first time an individual has had the experience of caring for another.  A pet’s natural ability to love provides the individual with experiences that will begin to open him to  unconditional love despite the fact that he may believe  he is simply taking care of an animal’s  basic needs.


In order to move into the deeper truths of oneness and love, one must first learn to care.  However, if not alert to the vast amounts of  “pretend caring” floating about in the material world,  those new to the emotions of caring can find themselves in situations of codependency doing whatever is asked of them and giving away their power in the belief that they are caring.


Just as is true of loving, so it is true of caring that spiritual actions never mean being a doormat–the surrender of ones personal power–no matter how much pressure may be present.


Some so called actions of caring are nothing more than platitudes of pretense and this can be easily seen in the actions of some (not all) corporations and businesses that promote their caring activities as a means of placing themselves in  better public light for financial gain.


The un-awakened ego often uses  “pretend caring” to prove to itself and others how wonderful and unselfish it is. This type of caring  is based in  duality  and separation but even this can be a first step for those just beginning to awaken.   When donating to charities, always use your intuition and do your research, for not all “caring charities” are serving on the highest levels in spite of how they may promote themselves.


We speak of caring because many  are beginning to shift into  more enlightened ways of  seeing the world which  in turn is opening many more to emotions of caring.  World events are being known about and seen almost immediately through the rapid circulation of photos and news. This is bringing the plight of others face front to many who have up to now lived each day comfortably secure in believing whatever they are told by those in positions of authority.


Caring action serves to open the mind and prepare it for the higher truths of love when spiritually ready.  Acts of caring serve to change the consensus energy and open it to new levels.  Caring in its truest and highest sense is;  “I care because I know who you are.  I see your struggles because I too have faced struggles.  I care because you remind me of myself, and make me ponder what would I do in your situation.  I care because I am you.”


Because the world is entering a time of seasonal celebration, promotional ideas of love and caring are flowing from all directions, the majority of which are based in financial goals and three dimensional concepts, not love.  During the upcoming seasonal time stay alert and  centered.  Learn to recognize the hype of pretend caring, seeing it for what it is and not allowing it to become yours.


The energies of earth have become increasingly intense and are manifesting through all levels of consciousness.  All serious students of truth must stay alert, for it is very easy to align with the energies of political unrest and commercialism as they are pushed to you moment by moment each day–activities that express the material concepts of a world still lost in duality and separation.


Stay centered and focused within, as best you can at all times.  If or when you feel yourself slipping into some level of  world hypnotism,  pause  right where you are and realize just for a second; “I AM”.  This can be enough to lift you out of it for denser energies cannot enter into the higher.  If you do find yourself well and good in the illusions of sense, do not judge yourself to have failed, for there is no such thing, you just begin again, now more alert and aware.


Let your holiday season acts of caring never be based in emotions of guilt or obligation  but instead reflect a realization of Oneness.  Let  Thanksgiving represent a true sense of gratitude which is;  “I have because I am”  and let gift giving be; “In giving to you I honor the Divine, for you are that”.  Learn to recognize all celebrations as  joy within Oneness.


In celebration of our Oneness…


~ Marilyn Raffaele @

We are the Arcturian Group


Common Drugs, including Benadryl and Xanax, cause Brain Atrophy and increase the Risk of Alzheimers and Dementia

Just say no to Big Pharma wierd drugs!

Cannabis an a little bita clean opiates w/out additives does da twick fer me …well, dats me! is wat it is!.

livin in dis’ werld of pain an pharma- cology…



A group of common drugs used to treat allergies and other chronic health issues increase the risk of Alzheimers and dementia, according to a new study by the University of Indiana School of Medicine. The study also found that these drugs reduce the overall size of the brain as well as its metabolism if taken regularly. The drugs, known collectively as anticholinergics, are commonly prescribed for allergies, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac problems, and depression among others. Some of the most well-known brands in the US include Xanax, Zyrtec, Valium, Wellbutrin, Benadryl, Dramamine, Paxil, and Histex. You can see a comprehensive list of anticholinergic drugs implicated in this study by clicking here.

This class of drugs blocks acetylcholine in the brain, an important neurotransmitter vital to normal brain function. In people with Alzheimers, there is always a lack of this neurotransmitter and, according to this study and others, these drugs worsen the condition or can provoke it. However, this study is not the first to find problems with anticholinergic drugs. A study in 2013 found that people who take these types of drugs showed a significant reduction in cognitive ability. Their risk of contracting Alzheimers also increased by more than 60%.

This new study from the University of Indiana was the first to investigate the direct impact of these drugs on the human brain. 451 adults between 70 and 75 years old participated in the study and were all given MRIs in order to see the changes in the brain over time. They were also all given different tests of memory and cognition. The group that took these drugs for 2.5 years showed a significant decrease in brain size compared to their condition before the study began. A decrease in brain size and a reduction in brain metabolism became evident after only 2 months of regular use. They also received worse scores on the tests compared to the people who did not take anticholinergic drugs over the course of the study.

Yet, the problem with these studies is that they only focus on the elderly.

Many of these drugs are approved for the use of children and teenagers, whose brains are still developing. A lack of Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter blocked by these drugs, can cause mood swings, attention deficit, and memory problems in children. It’s very possible that the widespread use of these drugs could be to blame for increases in the diagnoses of ADD and similar disorders in children. Could these drugs also be shrinking their brains and causing permanent damage? What other effects could these drugs have on a developing brain? Unfortunately, no one knows as no studies currently exist. However, these studies have definitively shown that these drugs damage the human brain and should be removed from the market or, at the very least, come with warnings on the box. If you or someone you know is taking any type of anticholinergic drug, you should consider talking with your doctor or naturopath and looking for an alternative that won’t shrink your brain.

Source: Common Drugs, including Benadryl and Xanax, cause Brain Atrophy and increase the Risk of Alzheimers and Dementia

Sept 14, 2016

Ur Funny One 🙂 fer da’ day frum Q since dat’ article wasn’t dat’ funny!

…Reminder: Knowledge is Power! well, 2 some degree anyhew 🙂 adios frum da’ Q for da’ Sunday afternoon…



believe it er not

Chronically Speaking

Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings

Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings

2 Day Quark brings ya an informative article assembled by:

Lawrence Michail,

Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings


Everything on the Physical plane is a manifestation of something on the Metaphysical plane.

When we speak of abundance, what we are really talking about is an abundance of emotional, mental and spiritual energy. We fill ourselves to the brim with these energies and it is the overflow that is manifest on the physical plane.

The signs and symptoms that are apparent on the Physical plane lead us to inquire, ultimately, more deeply into ourselves as energetic and spiritual beings.

We tend not to worry too much about this sort of thing when our body is working well, we are not feeling pain, or we are not in the throes of some chronic disease. But when our body feels pain or becomes disabled by disease or accident we tend to start reaching out for answers. We want to know why. Or maybe we don’t even want to know why we just want to fix something we perceive is broken.

Realistically, when our body refuses to do what we want it to, metaphysically, it is not actually broken. It is doing its job. One of its functions is to carry messages from the higher energetic planes to us. It is then up to us to interpret these messages and take action.

Western medicine takes the position that we feel pain because we can. Western approaches to pain, as the main symptom of any disease, are pretty much limited to drugs and surgery. Treatment consists of numbing or diverting pain receptors in the body or cutting off the offending organ. While this approach does have its place in acute situations, it is at best a temporary and often harmful way to approach pain or other disharmonies we feel in our bodies. Most often, western medicine has little to offer most of us and incredibly makes us wait until our symptoms become unbearably acute before it can even acknowledge a disharmony.

The trend today, as much for economic reasons, as for reasons of spirit and human development is to encourage people to take responsibility for their own lives. This is the approach of ancient wisdom. We use our bodies to communicate with our selves and with others. We use our bodies to work out emotional, mental and spiritual questions. While we do tend to judge a diseased body negatively, there really is no right or wrong about it.

The ancient Taoists theorized that good and bad, right and wrong, yin and yang, were just different points of view that we all adopt at one time or another. Because the earth plane is dualistic in nature we all view, at one time or another from both the Yin and the Yang ends of the telescope. There does not seem to be a point in judging one good and one bad or judging one good and one evil. These just are the symptoms of being human.

Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings

Still, there is such a thing as being well, and there is such a thing as being sick. When we get sick we tend to want to do something about it.

Enter the healer.

A healer is trained in the observation and interpretation of signs and symptoms, and in methods for dealing with them.

Wholistic Healing of the individual occurs at different energetic levels. These are the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. For those on the path, there are a great many more levels and sublevels identified in various cultural, religious and philosophical traditions. But for our purposes we can look at the individual in these four broad realms to at least begin the process of healing.

Healing by the way occurs not only at the individual level, but also at the family, community and global level. When one heals ‘mindfully’, as the Buddhists say, these other aspects of individual healing may become apparent.

There are healers operating today at all these levels. Still, a good place to begin is in the individual body. With this in mind, the following is a list of physical symptoms and the metaphysical disharmonies they may reflect.

Louise Hay, in her book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life,’ has done some interesting work in this area. I use her book occasionally in my Reiki II work. Other references are; Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostic principals, my own Reiki teacher, Denise Crundall, and my own experience.

Please note that these are only general observations, serving hopefully to illuminate areas that you can look at more closely in yourself or with the help of a healer. You are the one who knows you best.

As you go through these observations, try to expand your awareness beyond your own life to see also how these dis- harmonies are reflected in your own family, community, country and in the world. Ultimately it is our own choice to heal or not to heal and it is our own innate healing ability that is activated.


Headaches; Pain always indicates a separation of some sort from something. Usually we say separation from what is the Truth. The greater the pain the more important that something is. Depending on which part of the head is afflicted the meaning changes. Louise Hay suggests that Headaches indicate invalidating the Self out of Fear. In Chinese Medicine there are several different kinds of headaches according to the quality of the pain and the location on the head. Read on.

Vertex; The top of the head is associated with our connection to the Universe or God. Pain here is associated with separation from that higher power.

It is also associated with the Kidneys and the emotion is Fear. Both the Gallbladder and Urinary Bladder channels traverse the top of the head. The Gallbladder is associated with Courage, and the Urinary Bladder through its associate with the Kidneys is associated with Fear. Du 20 (Baihui) located at the top of the head is used extensively to ‘calm the spirit’ in Chinese Medicine.

Forehead; The forehead is associated with the 3rd eye, both in Chakra Theory and Traditional Chinese Medical theory. The 3rd eye is associated with introspection and illumination of your own Inner Being. Pain here is associated with separation from your own Inner Being.

In Chinese Medicine, Yintang, which is located midway between the inner ends of the eyebrows, Du 23 (Shangxing), Du 24 ( Shenting) which are located at the hairline directly above Yintang and Du 20 (Baihui) located at the top of the head, all have the action of ‘calming the spirit.’ Yintang is associated with the eyes; not only the eyes that look outward but the eyes that look inward and is indicated in some emotional disorders.

Temporal; The sides of the head are associated with courage, especially courage to face your world. Migraine Headaches, usually located in the front quadrants, right or left, indicates a separation from your world. The involvement of the eyes in Migraines indicate not only an unwillingness to look without, but to look within. Most Migraine sufferers report, not only severe pain behind the eye, but also acute sensitivity to light. In Chinese Medicine, a number of Meridians run through this area.

The Gallbladder Channel is associated with courage. The San Jiao channel is involved with processing of water (the elixir of Life), and the Small Intestine Channel is involved with deriving nourishment from the world. Both the San Jiao Channel and the Small Intestine Channel are connected to the Heart, whose emotion is Joy and where the Mind is located. Lack of Joy (with one’s self) is strongly indicated by pain in this area. There is also Anger indicated by the Gallbladder channel’s link with the Liver.

Occipital; The back of the head represents your past. Some say also this is an area of spirituality. Pain here represents something in your past that is not complete and remains unforgiven. The back of the head is traversed by the Gallbladder Channel and the Urinary Bladder Channels indicating Anger born of Fear. The Back of the Head is thought to be the seat of Spiritual Experiences. The only way to see them is through inner sight. Pain in the back of the head represents an unwillingness to look deep within for the source of Light & Truth.


Spine; The Spine Represents the support you think you have in Life and your alignment with those supportive forces. Curved spine, or Scoliosis represents a misalignment with Life. Spasms represent an unwillingness to accept the support that is there.

Shoulders; Shoulders represent burdens and responsibilities. Frozen Shoulder for example represents a complete unwillingness to shoulder your responsibilities in Life, especially your own Life. Pain and dysfunction to varying degrees represents varying degrees of unwillingness to be responsible. Moving forward in Life sometimes requires that you ‘put your shoulder to the wheel’ to overcome inertia. the Gallbladder channel traverses the shoulders and indicates Courage ( or lack of…).

The back, in Chinese Medicine, is considered to be your Yang side; the active, aggressive, lighted side. The back also represents that which is behind you. Very often we do not see clearly that which is behind us. Back problems generally represent conflict between the urge to move forward and the inertia of an unforgiven past that holds us back. This tension very often separates us from both and pain is the result. Louse Hay suggests that backs generally represent support.

Mid back; The mid back is the link between the shoulder and the lower back. It can be a weak link. As we firm up our shoulders and become willing to take on the responsibilities of Life, and we have gathered around us the financial and emotional support we need (lower back), something sneaks up and stabs us in the back.

This is a blind spot. Not only can we not see it, but is very difficult to reach. The weak link crumbles. It is the saboteur or seducer that takes us off our path. Located in this area are the Tonification points (called ‘Shu’ points) for the Liver, the Stomach, and the Spleen.

These organs are responsible for the transformation and transportation of Qi, and the free flow of Qi in the body. Blockages here affect the entire body and can stop you dead in your tracks. The Spleen represents Worry or Overthinking and the Liver represents Anger or base emotions. Both of these can sabotage even the best laid plans. Louse Hay suggests that the mid-back represents Guilt and stuck in the past stuff.

Lower Back; The Lower Back represents support; financial support, emotional support of family and friends, and support of God or the Universe. The Kidneys are located in this area and Kidney dysfunction results in Fear/Fright/Phobias.

A sore lower back may indicate that we have taken on more than we think we can handle. This is a dysfunction, only if it is not the Truth. If we have indeed taken on too much, that would be indicated by a physical trauma to the back and all we need to do is lighten the load.

Chronic low back ache, though, not associated with any trauma is the one with the Metaphysical application, and the one related to Kidney depletion. Kidneys are considered to have a central function relative to other organs since it is where Yuan Qi or our Primary Essence is stored.

Yuan Qi is also known as Primary Qi or Congenital Qi. It is the Qi you are born with and determines your relative strength in the world. It is considered to be quite difficult to strengthen an already weak Yuan Qi, but it can be done. Low back pain is often diminished by strengthening the Kidneys. In short, Low back pain, generally refers to a lack of trust in the Universe to protect and support. Louise Hay suggests Fear of money is indicated.

Coccyx; The Coccyx/Sacrum is the seat of Self-pity. There is a fear of asking for help. One would rather sit and feel sorry for one’s self than get of one’s ass and do something.


Hips; Hips represent decisions in Life, especially decisions about moving forward. Pain in the hips is a sign of being ‘stuck’, unable to make a decision, or see clearly what is needed to be done next. The process of walking requires that we first thrust the hip forward and the leg etc. follows.

This is actually, an act of faith on our part, since we are quite literally initiating a fall to the ground and trusting that our legs will save us. The Gallbladder Channel traverses the hip which again represents Courage and confidence to move forward.

Louise Hay suggests that hip problems represent fear of going forward with major decisions. Hips represent the idea that the next step in your life is important. Pain or discomfort advises you to slow down or stop, look around, buy a map, or ask someone for directions.

Upper Thighs; Thighs are the link between the Hips & decisions, and the Knees & pride. Very often, when we have made a decision and take the next step, Pride gets in the way. “What if I look stupid? What if it’s not right? What if it doesn’t work out?”

Our knees lock up or turn to jelly, and we are prevented from moving forward. The pain that begins in the Hips and shoots down the Thigh (Sciatic Nerve), is the separation from our desire and decision to move forward and our Fear of falling flat on our ass. Louse Hay suggests that Upper Thigh problems represent retaining childhood trauma.

Knees; Knees represent Pride. In spiritual practice it is suggested that one must go down before one can rise up, as Jesus did before John the Baptist, before taking up his own ministry.

Pride or Ego keeps us from surrendering to the Will of God or the Universe. In practice, every time we move forward in Life or approach change, we approach the unknown. We may feel vulnerable or unsure.

We may stand still, stiff kneed resisting the winds of change. It is interesting to note that stiff, sore knees are a symptom of Kidney deficiency, whose emotion is Fear.

Rather than admit our fear, we resist it until it overwhelms us. While knees represent Pride, and it is said that ‘Pride goes before the fall’, knees can also represent Humility which is the wisdom to be yielding in the face of change.

Briefly, Knee problems may be said to indicate being stuck in the Ego, too proud to bend. Louise Hay also suggests that Knees represent Pride and the Ego.

Shins; The Shins represent another weak link. Although the Shins are mostly bone, the hardest substance in the body, the Shins are actually quite sensitive and brittle. A slight whack on the Shins is not only painful, it weakens the entire body and stops it cold.

When we have organized ourselves to move forward, to take the next step towards the goal we have set, and are in the process of taking it, something comes along and sends you tumbling. It is something we trip over because we don’t see it, even though it is right there in front of us.

In ancient times the shin pads that worriers wore were called greaves. Very often what trips us up is something, the loss of which we haven’t properly grieved. Moving forward always means something gets left behind.

Interesting to note is that the three Yin channels of the foot all criss cross at Spleen 6 (Sanyinjiao), representing a confluence of Worry, Anger, and Fear. Moving forward is often marked by a jumble of emotional responses which need to be sorted out, especially if we are resisting it. Louise Hay suggests that problems are fear of the future; not wanting to move ahead.

Ankles; Ankles represent flexibility, which is important as one navigates the twists and turns of Life. Stiff, painful ankles means that change is difficult for you.

Maybe you are one who digs in your heels and resists moving forward. The more Life forces change upon you, the deeper you dig in. A broken ankle is a good sign to develop some flexibility in your Life. Louise Hay suggests that ankles represent mobility and direction.

Feet; Our feet represent our connection with Mother Earth. Sore, swollen, numb or painful feet represent the state of our relation with our Mother. Mother Earth, and our base energies. While it is legs that carry us forward into Life, it is the feet that actually make contact with the ground and can stop any advance, or at least make it difficult.

In modern society with its asphalt, concrete and High Rises, we lose touch with the Earth and its energies. This may be reflected in our relationship to the one who gave birth to us. Separation can cause real pain.

All the Leg Yin & Yang channels meet and flow into each other in the toes. This is an area of high energy and strong effect on the body. This is an area where strong energies are in transition, so our contact with Mothers, Mother Earth and our base energies is always ambivalent. We want to draw closer to that love, but at the same time move away on our own course.

In my experience, the feet often store toxic energies (as often to do with grief or resentments as not), as far away from the Heart as possible. This means, in the feet. Often, these are issues that go all the way back to childhood. Lacking the tools to effectively release grief or resentment the body stores it, like it stores fat.

Over time, more and more toxic energies are stored here and fill up the receptacle. In many cases, the entire leg can become involved and the waste starts leaking back into the system.

This is a very serious situation indeed, that can lead to amputations, blood disorders and even death, as the body struggles to protect the Heart.

Metaphysically, it becomes clear that the space you are standing in is painful. The key is to move on. Stop dwelling on the past, release or transform whatever it is that keeps you emotionally standing still. Louise Hay suggests that feet represent our understanding of ourselves, of Life, and others, and toes represent minor details of the future.

Throat; The Throat represents our Will, and our ability to communicate, both with others and with ourselves. Sore throats, lumps in the throat, tumours all represent difficulties in saying what we want to say. Lumps, both physical tumours and those that are non-manifest (Hystericus Globus) are our willful attempts to block free expression of emotion and of our identity. The Throat is another one of those weak links that can seduce or sabotage you from your path.

The Throat is the channel between the Head and the Heart. In Chinese Medicine it is said the Heart houses the Mind, especially in its connection with the emotion of Joy and the expression of Love for ourselves and for others.

Have you ever had a great idea, gotten your body motivated, put your Heart into it, only to say something completely stupid which makes a mess of things? Have you ever felt the urge to say something complimentary and suppressed it?

Have you ever just blurted out something that just seemed to by-pass the brain? How often does a careless or ill chosen word create havoc in your Life? Where this comes from is all the things you have not said over the years that get stuck in the throat, needing to get out, and out they come, one way or the other.

All emotions are designed to be expressed, even the ones we judge to be negative and especially the ones we judge to be positive. Louise Hay calls the the Throat an avenue of expression and a channel of creativity. Problems indicate an inability to speak up for one’s self, swallowed anger , stifled creativity and refusal to change. Thyroid problems indicate difficulty in analyzing, digesting and assimilating the communication between the Head and the Heart.

Chest/Breasts; The chest area represents the Feminine principal of nurturing and nourishing the connection with the ‘breath of Life’ as it flows through the Lungs. In men, pain or discomfort, not associated with any organ or vessel represents a disconnection from the Feminine principal. Breast envy, may exist in men; the desire to connect with the feminine side, the same way penis envy is said to exist in women; the desire to connect with the masculine side.

In Chinese Medicine, the front is considered Yin. The chest is the confluence of the three most important kinds of Qi, that nourish the body; Zhong Qi, from the Lungs, Jing Qi, from the Spleen, and Yuan Qi from the Kidneys. Breast problems represents a denial of the Mother/feminine principal to nourish the self and to nourish others. Louise Hay suggest also that the breasts represent mothering and nurturing. Cysts, lumps etc. represents over mothering.

Solar Plexus; Is said to the be the seat of the Ego and Individuation. Some call this the Negative Ego. In general this area represents the conflicts in your life. Pain or discomfort in the Diaphragm area represents unresolved conflicts. In Chinese Medicine, pain in this area indicates Liver Qi Stagnation, usually associated with Anger.

Stomach; The stomach represents digestion, not only of food and physical nutrients, but of new ideas, new ways of doing things, and accepting change of any kind. The Stomach is nothing more than a big flexible bag of muscle whose job it is to ripen and rot whatever is put into it.

That is, its job is to break down what is put into it into a form that the body can deal with. This it does by adding Hydrochloric Acid, Hormones, Enzymes and Bile which reduces every sold morsel into an undifferentiated mass called Chyme.

Simultaneously it rocks back and forth swishing and swilling this mess until it is liquefied and able to pass through the small Pyloric Valve into the Small Intestine where the actual absorption of nutrients mostly takes place.

Metaphysically, when we come upon a new idea or a new way of doing things, the process is similar. First we must swallow the idea, either whole or in handy bite sized morsels, break it down into a form we can handle and finally absorb that which we need to nourish ourselves. In the same way that a bad diet poisons the body, toxic ideas, suppressed emotions and resistance to change can have a poisoning effect.

In traditional Chinese Medicine, long standing emotional disharmony is seen as a primary cause of disease. Strengthening the Spleen/Stomach which between them are responsible for transforming food and water into Qi, and transporting it throughout the body, is seen as a key strategy to deal with almost any disease.

Metaphysically we need to nourish ourselves every day, just as we need to eat nourishing foods. Just as the physical body needs nourishment to grow and carry on its day to day activities, so do the Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies.

Metaphysically, ‘wellness’ is not accomplished by a change in diet alone. Louise Hay suggests that the stomach holds nourishment, digests ideas. Problems indicate dread, fear of the new, and an inability to assimilate the new.

Quarksire says have a great morning – afternoon er night wherever ya are on dis’ rollin planet! an remember!

“crashing is not an option!”

even in ur dreams!…

afterall, what is a dream?

but simply a wish da’ heart makes!

❤ peace-out ❤


Previous Article: Infants Deeply Traumatized by Common Medical Procedures, New Study Suggests

Infants Deeply Traumatized by Common Medical Procedures, New Study Suggests

an then there waz this mad doc many years ago that cut the end of my U know what off without anestesia…how insanely cruel was dat! wat a way to start out the furst week of life huh! read on!

By Sayer Ji, Wake Up World

A concerning new study suggests that decades of medical procedures performed on infants without pain management has had deeply traumatizing effects.

A groundbreaking study published in eLife, titled “fMRI reveals neural activity overlap between adult and infant pain”, demonstrates that the infant pain experience, despite long held assumptions to the contrary, closely resembles that of adults.

Researchers discovered that when 1-6 day old babies were exposed to the same pain stimulus as adults, their brains “lit up” in almost exactly the same manner.

More specifically, infant and adult pain responses were indistinguishable in 18 of the 20 regions observed through fMRI imaging. The only two brain regions that pain did not show activation in the infants were the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex: two regions believed to help with the interpretation of pain stimuli.


In a a interview, the lead researcher of the study expressed some surprise at finding that pain activated centers in the infant brain associated with emotional processing. “The infant’s brain is much more developed than I was expecting,” says Slater. “I might have thought that some information might have gone to the sensory areas of the brain — telling the baby something was happening on the foot, for example — but I didn’t necessarily think it would go to areas more commonly involved in emotional processing such as the anterior cingular cortex, which is thought be involved in the unpleasantness associated with an experience.”

The Infant Pain Response: More Than a Reflex; Possibly a Source of Trauma

What is deeply concerning about this finding is that infants have long been considered by the conventional medical profession to be incapable of experiencing pain while undergoing the many routine medical procedures to which they are exposed in early life. In the case of the smallest and sickest of babies (who are required to be in a level 3 neonatal intensive unit for the first 14 days of their lives), a 2014 study found that they experience an average of 11.4 painful medical procedures a day, but with only 36.6% receiving pain management therapy. Also concerning is research that is now emerging, which exposes the fact that a surprisingly wide range of common medical procedures are not supported by the body of published biomedical research, nor human clinical trials.

Comparison of pain-evoked neural activity in selected brain regions that are active in both adults and infants. See details.

Clearly, hospital born infants, and especially those requiring intensive care, are subject to an intense range of potentially painful and traumatic experiences that the standard of care does little to mitigate, primarily because it does not acknowledge them beyond their biomedical definition as bodies, ignoring that they are experientially and existentially situated persons with sentience and subjectivity.

Additionally, with the increasing prevalence of obstetrician-assisted birth (C-sections), blood draws, and vaccinations, the experience of iatrogenic pain and trauma has become the norm and not the exception.

Given the inevitability of infant medical interventions, pain management strategies could be considered a medico-ethical necessity. Moreover, precautions should be taken to minimize unnecessary medical procedures, i.e. overdiagnosis and overtreatment.

According to the study,

“Doctors long believed that infants do not feel pain the way that older children and adults do. Instead, they believed that the infants’ responses to discomfort were reflexes. Based on these beliefs, it was a routine practice to perform surgery on infants without suitable pain relief up until the late 1980s. Even now, infants may receive less than ideal pain relief. For example, a review found that although newborns in intensive care units undergo 11 painful procedures per day on average, more than half of the babies received no pain medications. Some guidelines continue to emphasize that for infants cuddling and feeding are more important sources of comfort than pain-relieving drugs.”

While not specifically mentioned in the study, the practice of male infant circumcision may constitute the most egregious example of a medically unnecessary procedure. It is arguably responsible for extensive psychological and emotional damage within the male psyche due to the unacknowledged pain and trauma it has exacted in the millions that have involuntarily undergone it without adequate pain management.

Indeed, male infant circumcision is one of the most commonly performed medical procedures and responsible for 1.108 million hospital stays in 2011. The United States has the highest circumcision rate in the world, with an estimated rate of 69-97%, followed by 70% in Australia, 48% in Canada, and 24% in the United Kingdom. This is all the more concerning considering that circumcision is one of the least medically justified interventions from the perspective of evidence-based medicine.

For more information, please read:

Amazingly, it has only been less than two decades since the American Academic of Pediatrics recommended anesthesia be used during the procedure. This only happened after research emerged showing behavioral differences in infant and mother-infant behaviors between anesthetized and unanesthetized infants:

Before anesthesia was the standard of care, a trial comparing outcomes between anesthetized and unanesthetized infants undergoing circumcision noted a change in the infant’s behavior on postoperative day 1,[13] and additional studies have documented the negative impact that circumcision has on mother-child interactions.[14] and [15] Based on mounting evidence that infants who are circumcised have significant pain and stress responses, the AAP recommended in 1999 that if neonatal circumcision is performed, anesthesia should be used.[16] [Source]

Considering what has been revealed by the new study, we must ask: how many infants have had been deeply traumatized not only via partial dismemberment of an important component of their reproductive and eliminative anatomy, but through the pain and anxiety associated with such a medical ritual which lacks unequivocal clinical research support for safety, efficacy, and any of its purported health benefits?

We hope that research like this will raise a flag of extreme caution when it comes to the increasingly prevalent over-medicalization of our most vulnerable populations. In other words, the solution is not simply to increase conventional pain management strategies which have many unintended, adverse effects — even with seemingly more benign over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, which was recently found to have psychotropic properties, such as a ‘flattening’ affect. The focus, therefore, should be on reducing overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and the uncritical implementation of a standard of care which errs on the side of aggressive and invasive procedures.

About the author:

Sayer Ji is the founder of – an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. He is on the Board of Governors for the National Health Federation and Fearless Parent, a Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC), a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Since 2003, Sayer has also served as a patient advocate and an educator and consultant for the natural health and wellness field.

For more, visit and Facebook/GreenMedInfo, or sign up for GreenMedInfo’s free e-Newsletter.

Recommended articles by Sayer Ji:

Just How Many Garbage Patches are There in Our Oceans? See for Yourself

Just How Many Garbage Patches are There in Our Oceans?
~ world-earth-pollution ~

jest another “not so happy” post-it bout da’ reality of our werld in da’ 21st century…

what lies under -

By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, August 25, 2015

Our oceans not only provide ample food for us when they are in peak condition, but they sustain life on this planet. In a visual representation experiment of the garbage patches around the world’s oceans, we can see just how seriously we’ve affected our oceans through Big Ag practices, littering, corporate disregard, and additional environmentally unfriendly practices which affect Mother Nature’s ‘womb.’

Some are already aware that there is a garbage patch off the coast of California that is thought to be roughly the size of a small state. Called the Great Garbage Patch, it spans from the US West Coast all the way to Japan. There are two other areas in the world that have been collecting enough debris to be given a garbage patch signification of their own though, in both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Visualizing the Mess




These massive rubbish graveyards are hard to visualize, but Greg Shirah and Horace Mitchell have published their garbage patch visualization experiment results online this month from the NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.

Data collected from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which details information from floating, scientific buoys distributed across the oceans for the last 35 years, are depicted in pictures and video. You can see first-hand how all the trash ends up in 5 gyres, the so-called ocean garbage patches.

Read: How Plastic from the Oceans Moves up the Food Chain

Despite legislation in the US enacted in 1972 known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), corporations have ‘soiled their own beds’ with massive amounts of waste.

The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) was legislate at the federal-level in 1972 and amended in 1988 by the Ocean Dumping Ban Act.

MPRSA was enacted to prevent dischargers from evading the Clean Water Act by dumping wastes in the ocean as an alternative to land-based sites. Two are its main purposes: regulate the intentional disposal of materials in marine waters, for which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are responsible; and to promote related researches, under the supervision of the EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOOA).

Even with these regulatory bans, corporations are often only given a slap on the hand, and no criminal charges are ever brought to the forefront for offenders.

The MSRA states that it is illegal to dump anything:

“. . .including, but not limited to dredged material;

solid waste; incinerator residue; garbage; sewage; sewage sludge; munitions; radiological, chemical and biological warfare agents; radioactive materials; chemicals; biological and laboratory waste; wreck or discarded equipment; rocks; sand; excavation debris; and industrial, municipal, agricultural, and other waste…” (EPA) Any private person, employee, agent, department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government, of any State or local unit of government, or of any foreign government must comply or pay an administrative civil penalty up to $50,000 for noncompliance and up to $125,000 for dumping of medical wastes with additional criminal penalties.”

You can see how these penalty amounts are little more than a pretext for lawmakers who want to win an election or gain political influence, and have no real influence over the actual behavior of those who are polluting our oceans the most.

Read: Shoe-Makers Makes Shoes from Ocean Waste

Other countries have their own laws to ‘discourage’ ocean dumping, but India, China, and the US, among many other nations, don’t seem to understand the gravity of the growing garbage patches. Every year, between 5 and 13 million more tons of plastics wind up in the world’s oceans and a whopping 80% of that waste pours in from just 20 countries.

The US Department of Defense is arguably the absolute worst when it comes to defiling the oceans, and rivers, and thus, we can see why no hardball legislation is passed to protect this precious earthly commodity.
Where Does All This Trash Come From?

Perhaps unsurprising is the fact that along with polluting our air and soil, companies like DuPont, Dow, Syngenta, Pfizer (an offshoot of Monsanto), Monsanto, and Bayer are on the same list as companies like BP and Exxon Mobile (known for massive oil spills) for polluting our air and likely oceans.

Massive amounts of plastic, including microscopic bits and pieces that end up living inside marine animals and runoff (including pesticides, herbicides, and non-organic fertilizers) are some of the worst offenders when it comes to fouling the great blue waters.

Additionally, pharmaceutical waste is flushed into our municipal water supplies, which is then often dumped in the ocean. NOAA states:

“Recent studies have confirmed the presence of low levels of pharmaceuticals in estuaries, rivers, streams, and ground water as well as in sediments. The ecological effects of these contaminants in coastal waters are largely unknown. However, there is growing evidence that some of these chemicals may have negative effects on reproduction in aquatic species or stimulate the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria.”

You might not be able to see how this run off affects tiny creatures, but more than one-third of the shellfish-growing waters of the United States are adversely affected by coastal pollution – much of it coming from industrial agricultural practices.

Not only are these companies destroying life on land, killing off bees, monarchs, and other pollinators, they are ravaging life in the water.

If you really want to ‘get it’ – how truly harmful the behavior of these corporations is to our oceans, the pictures and video provided by the visualization experiment help tremendously. You can see the experiment above.

So, waz another not so happy post-it frum Q’s werld…well is what it is wit da’ werl being da’ way it is now huh! Gotta take some bad ever now an maybe it will help it all turn gewd? not? Either way it mattered to me!

have a splendidly kewl week either way anyone dat got this far! take care


World News gewd bad er indifferent ..Brought 2 u by da’ Quantum Quarked OnE!



Jest one more “believe it er not” post-it frum Quarksire


Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other
In ur mind frum ur mind before ur brain had knowledge ur mind had the knowledge of all, all one had to do was listen to the right side of the mind forgive the bad side an go on wit life..focusing on love is the strongest agent in our lives yes indeed, as we grow into reason an knowledge frum the past experiences we were challenged to be here to now learn! yes believe it er not!

believe it er not! You chose your parents, your family and those you would interact with during this lifetime , as crazy as that sounds!—but you needed those who would project or mirror to you the positive attributes you needed to integrate, and also the many negative traits you needed to overcome. All of the Souls in your life are a part of the grand drama you have chosen to experience here in this lifetime of existence! —each one in ur movie of life has agreed to play a part in what u script!, which would, hopefully, be mutually beneficial.Yes, thoughtz are things – believe it er not! Now, Ask yourself what positive traits your parents, your family, your mate and children have projected onto you—then think about the negative traits they have displayed also? even the “crazy” Illogical abusive thingz etc etc… within them are the lessons you set up for yourself to experience, and hopefully an possibly? to benefit from at da’ Soul level. the main ?question here then? is? Have you learned your lessons well? Are you displaying more of the positive traits or more of the negative traits that others mirror to you? Consider the tests and challenges as an opportunity to, once and for all, GROW!

The ultimate goal is to transmute all of the imbalances which are keeping you from stepping through the gateway into your new Fifth-Dimensional reality. To move beyond only the 3d but into a new dimensional kinna experience where all the thoughts u hear, frum ur mind with training {hopefully mostly positive} are fer real an none of the thoughtz are delusional! any more. but when u hear “the voices” they are really coming frum within to share an show the truth bout what is, instead of what could be if u only feared?..see so however ya lewk at things does make a difference the way i see it.Change the way ya see the werld an the werld changes – believe it er not! ..Once this is realized that it is a learnt experience to not ever experience the “BAD” things anymore but only the good as much as if one truly does seek love an compassion it wil find them an if they follow the lead of those thoughts then they will in the end FIND IT! whatevr it is…Life the way it waz meant to be for them, each an evry one a particularly unique but beautiful learning experience, as long as they stay on the love side of nature…not loving the bad things or fearing them either! but instead disregarding the bad dramatic crazy things as simply lessons frum the past an nothing to be feared upon. Once again NO FEAR …stay with the MIND an the MIND will stay with U whatevr ya pay heed to IN UR MIND! will be da’ focus of ur projection an experience also.

believe it er not!

you are here to experience & teach love, compassion an unbridled unconditional love, furst by loving yourself unconditionally. There are many of your Soul mates incarnated on Earth at this time, both male and female. Many that go back before the time of this present incarnated birth. Many Soul families are being reunited as you move deeper into the more refined finely tuned realms of Light. The spectral quantum werld if i may…the werld of the subspace..where u come frum.. The best way to help evryone involved an those in your family, your friends or work associates, ur blog followers , group sessions encounters an so forth the goal 4 u is to be a shining example….So they themselves have to face the questions they have an the experiences they have gewd an er bad..your part of their play is share Ur experience strength an hope an to forgive them for thier crap an move on…an let them learn what they have to learn themselves..because even a mom er a dad can’t teach evn a wife er husband if it get that bad….sum thingz jest got to be learnt on their own by experience frum the past good bad indifferent ugly or beautiful…any way it is a learning experience that they themselves have to go through..if it is crazy shit that they have to go through, stuff u already learnt years ago, sumtimes u have to leave em behind an move on so they are free to learn without ur interference..most the time like i have said before if ya don’t experience it it is harder to learn by someone elses experience jest telling ya what it is like,,,some things ya jest got to try so ya know how it feels so ya can help others that feel like u do in the future! if y know what i mean!


ok over an out b 4 i get dragged out into a myriad of other topics jest by thinking bout our free choices an how an why we deal with them.past present an future….Simply said if we stay in the now of what we want to do then the future is covered an we don’t have to woory bout the past well, the past is an becomes irrelevant cept for the learnt lessons gained by experiencing the thing we call life!…positive r negative

“believe it er not!”



end wit a quote not mine but so very true!

kinna like my booze waz to me


“It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on,

it takes a lot of strength to let go.”

~ J.C. Watts ~

Back 2 Life with Rife!

Dr.Royal Rife: Cancer-Cure Genius Silenced by Medical Mafia..


“What if someone invented an electronic device that would destroy pathogens, bacteria, and even viruses with no toxic side effects? What if that same device could wipe out cancer by altering the cancer’s cellular environment or by killing cancer viruses with an electronic or ultra sonic beam? That was accomplished years ago. The researcher who invented and perfected this device had an odd name, Royal Raymond Rife. But his associates and colleagues knew him as Roy Rife.

How It Works (Basically)

 Imagine if minuscule pathogens had energy frequencies beyond the sonic range that, if induced, would cause the pathogen to implode or explode. This Rife called the Mortal Oscillatory Resonance or MOR. It is technology within the arena of energetic healing, but more in the western mode of challenging pathogens with technological machinery from outside. With a special microscope of his own making, Rife was able to observe and record the MOR of many pathogens.

 Instead of dealing with the vibrational field of the patient, or the patient’s chi energy, Rife used high frequency energies created by electronic machinery to alter both pathogens and their environments. The difference between Rife’s Ray Beam and common radiation therapy was that only those specific MOR frequencies of targeted microorganisms had negative responses. All other cells were left unharmed. This is the essence of Rife’s technology.

 Also included in his research was observing morphing pathogenic bacteria and viruses into different less destructive forms. He was among a growing number of microbiologists and researchers who had adopted Pleomorphism as an explanation of microorganism life. Pleomorphism posits that the life form of a pathogenic microbe alters, possibly many times.

 Rife also noticed corresponding changes in the tissue or blood environment of these morphing microorganisms. This led to the theory that the condition of the germs’ medium, i.e. the blood or tissue, was the cause of disease and not the germ. Rife did observe the pH changes in what is now called the field or terrain in the microorganism’s host environment as well as its association with bacterial/viral morphing.

 He considered that the field pH changes influenced the microorganisms morphing, causing them to become more pathogenic or more benign depending on the pH factor. This was the precursor to the field or terrain theory as a source of disease that many holistic healers now embrace over the germ theory. Rife was beginning to realize this in spite of being able to kill the germs of many diseases with his ray tube.”

..captions in espanol 🙂  an this video is 2 hours long..

Suppressed Cancer Cure – Royal Rife Documentary

the rise an fall of a scientific genius ..jest like tesla…whom could have changed the werld,,,,,,,,,but no.someone had to stop him.why????


Cure 4 Cancer Anyone

ur 20 pages away
an imagine this
Thousands only a few years ago
for the same tech
read the 20 links below


What Is The Real Matrix? | Wake Up World

By Khris Krepcik

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The underlying nature of reality is that Everything is Energy. It’s not a concept. It’s not a theory. It’s reality. We live in a multidimensional universe of holographic etheric fields — fields upon fields of subtle vibrational forces, particles, and strings. And even if you cannot see the fields, you will sometimes feel and sense things that you can’t always explain. And maybe you even intuitively feel and sense that those unseen forces may be some type of controlling system. If you are aware of these things, then you know the question… What is the Real Matrix?

In order to understand What the Matrix Is, you have to understand the human energy field.

The human energy field is a holographic system of flowing etheric tubes and geometrical fractal codes — a system of light and geometrical shapes. You are not just your physical body. You are not your mind. You are a multidimensional being of light and vibrations — Energy.

Your consciousness and your etheric energy are one and the same thing — a vibrational force of light and fractal codes of information — like data packets of digital memory. The quality of your light and codes are reflections of the quality of your attitudes and inner feelings. They are just two different languages for one and the same thing. Your attitudes and inner feelings are what determine the quality of your light and codes. And unlike the facade of the human ego’s presentation — the quality of your codes and vibrational resonance cannot be faked.

Cold, dark, and negative attitudes, emotions, inner feelings, and rigid intellectual opinions — equal cold, dark, degrading, frictional, and restricting vibrations. The Codes of Restriction.

Warm, light, and positive attitudes, inner feelings, and a flexible open mind — equal warm, light, loving, and liberating codes, energies, and vibrations. The Codes of Light and Liberation.

It’s very simple.

Attitudes and inner feelings are influenced by the conscious and subconscious programming of the ideas, beliefs, and rigid intellectual opinions of the world around you. Ideas, beliefs, and rigid intellectual opinions are not necessarily based on fact, knowledge, or truth. That which is not fact is fiction. That which is not knowledge is ignorance. That which is not true is false. All of which creates the evolutionary path of ego and the rigid human intellect. Illusions.

When something controls your attitudes and inner feelings — then it controls the quality of your codes and energy. It becomes a System of Programming and Control that regulates the conscious and subconscious human mind and the human energy field at the same time. And one’s subtle etheric energy field is their very life force. Control feeds on life force.

The quality of your attitudes and inner feelings determine the quality of your consciousness and energy field. But you are not the only one in this world. Your etheric energy field is not the only etheric energy field. Human beings are all connected via the etheric field. The collective conscious and subconscious are literal holographic etheric energy fields — a collective etheric energy field — of human energy fields. This is the underlying nature and truth of reality.

The underlying attitudes and inner feelings of the world around you are literally fractal codes, energies, and vibrations flying through the collective field. The collective field is dominated by emotion and mind. This is why you will sometimes feel emotional for no reason at all. This is why you will sometimes have nasty or negative thoughts that you can’t believe you would ever even conceive of yourself. You are sensing the emotion and mind within the collective human etheric energy field. And this is why you intuitively feel that there is something out there that you just can’t quite put your finger on. It’s because there is. There is a silent communication of etheric energies, thought forms, and vibrations beneath the surface of things.

The collective holographic field

So, you’re walking down a street in Spain, and you’re wondering why you can’t find a Mexican restaurant. Then you realize everyone’s speaking Spanish, because you’re in Spain, not Texas. So, you opt for an Italian pizzeria, because you don’t like paella. And you smile at the locals…

What Is The Real Matrix 1

But nothing is as it seems. Beneath the surface of things, you can literally see the collective holographic human etheric energy field. You can learn to see it by disciplining emotion and mind into calmness, pulling back your mind from locking onto things, and looking at things with a soft eye. You have to learn to feel, observe, and sense the space between things.

What Is The Real Matrix 2

Before you say, “look at the pretty lights”, you have to understand that the codes, energies, and vibrational forces flying through the collective field aren’t necessarily benevolent or benign forces. Orange (emotion) and lime greens (envy, jealousy, specialness) can make you sick. Black (anger, control, disdain, hate) and reds (aggressiveness, anger, control) sting. But you can’t determine things by color alone. You have to read things with your intuitive feelings. There are tons of things flying through the field, and most of it isn’t good for you.

You ever wonder why talking to someone rambling in emotional drama or sadness makes your stomach nauseas? It’s because they are literally downloading their sickness into your system. You ever wonder why listening to someone spewing out rigid intellectual opinions gives you a headache? It’s because they are literally downloading the codes of restriction into your crown chakra. You ever wonder why walking down a crowded street makes you tired for no apparent reason? It’s because you are not just contending with physical things in this world, you’re living in a multidimensional arena — contending with etheric forces, projections, and vibrations.

If you can disengage your mind and allow yourself to go into the deeper and deeper levels of etheric perception, the physical plane disappears altogether — revealing that human energy fields are all woven together into a larger collective holographic field, like one giant net.

What Is The Real Matrix 3

If you practice going into trance state meditations with theta or delta metronomes, you may have come across various holographic fields in your visions. The grid can appear in a number of different forms — triangles, squares, hexagons, etc. There are endless combinations within the fields. And it’s not just a two dimensional image like the one above. The fields are alive and morphing with flowing codes, energy, and information. If you have seen this, you’re basically looking at the holographic field of the collective human conscious and subconscious.

Ok. Holographic etheric fields are entirely natural. They are the underlying nature of reality — the energy and information that gives form to the physical plane. The corporeal is born of the incorporeal. The solid body is born of the non-solid etheric force. Even the birds and the trees have etheric energy fields and collective holographic etheric energy fields that give them form. The only real difference is that the holographic fields of nature are usually pure.

What makes the ‘Matrix of Control’ a Matrix of Control?

Most people think of the Matrix as being the Outer Matrix — the institutions that control and regulate human activity in the physical plane. The Outer Matrix is very real — but that Outer Matrix is only the outcropping of an Inner Matrix — the negative attitudes, inner feelings, and rigid intellectual opinions within the collective human conscious and subconscious — which affects the quality of the collective holographic human etheric energy field.

The collective human conscious and subconscious are primarily dominated by fear and the inner negativity of the human shadow — which gives birth to actions and the institutions of control, regulation, and restriction — the Illusions of Security. Even deeper — the collective human conscious and subconscious are often dominated by the Sickness of Greed. And you don’t need a crystal ball to see that. Do you? No. And thus, the Outer Matrix is born.

Before you get angry and defensive, let me explain that some regulation is necessary. It helps people function in harmony with each other and keep the peace. We live in a society. But have you ever just stopped and watched the people in society stop for a flashing red light on a city street that says, “Don’t Walk”… when there are absolutely no cars coming down the street?

The very moment that regulation takes away the natural awareness and perception to discern things for yourself — is the very moment that regulation becomes a System of Programming and Control that disempowers you. They will tell you that it’s all for your own protection and safety — but your own natural awareness and perception are the only real things that will ever really keep you protected and safe. Your awareness and perception are meant to be used to determine — what to do — in relation to — what you perceive. This is reality. That’s life.

And have you ever noticed the stupidity of policy?

Have you ever stood there and watched policy override common courtesy? Have you ever seen policy override compassion? Have you ever seen policy override loving kindness? Have you ever watched someone on an egotistical power trip — because they have the permission to enforce their policy — but have no real power to override the policy themselves? It’s funny. Have you ever stood there and watched policy overrule common sense? Of course you have. It’s sad.

The very moment that some policy overrides a person’s natural common courtesy, compassion, loving kindness, and common sense — is the very moment that you have one serious problem with modern society. But that’s society’s modern policy. Coldness. Ignorance. Rigidity. Control.

Not to mention the fact that modern policy often has a total disregard for human well-being and nature — because most policy is based on corporate greed and profit. Not concern. Not wisdom. But no one really cares as long as they are numbed up on consumerism, consumption, entertainment, nightly news, medication, and the tick-tock routine of making a living.

The Outer Matrix is obvious and very real — but it’s the negative attitudes, inner feelings, and rigid intellectual opinions of programming that really dominate and rule the collective human consciousness and subconsciousness — and therefore human behavior and life experiences.

The Outer Matrix isn’t necessarily standing over you with a stick to enforce control. It doesn’t have to. Once the programming of ideas, beliefs, and opinions are within the collective human conscious and subconscious — the program becomes a self-sustaining system. The program perpetuates and sustains itself — by the very people within it — and they don’t even realize that they have become the very Matrix of Programming and Control themselves. That’s the epitome of programming and control — being totally oblivious to the fact that you are even a part of it — oblivious to the fact that you have become the very program yourself.

And even if you think that you are an alternative free thinker and not a part of the system, just because you take an alternative stand with the protesting of an opposing opinion to the system — it doesn’t really matter. Why? Because the System of Programming and Control is sustained by the conflict of the opposing opinions within it. Conflict sustains the field. Conflict fuels the system — giving rise to more and more control. The Sphere of Control thrives on conflict. Any given conflict is part of one and the same etheric field of intertwined vibrational forces.

And even if you are silent and don’t even voice your opposing opinions — that doesn’t really matter either. Because silent attitudes and inner feelings will still project etheric forces and vibrations that affect others and the quality of the underlying collective human energy field. That’s why you can “feel” when someone is angry. It’s their subtle vibrational energy.

It’s the quality of your attitudes and inner feelings that really matter. We’re talking about the quality of your consciousness. It’s the quality of your inner self and inner spirit that determines the quality of who and what you really are. It all comes down to the quality of your heart and that is what determines the quality of the energy and vibrations that you are resonating.

What is the Real Matrix? — A System of Programming and Control.

What is the Real Matrix? — The Collective Human Conscious and Subconscious.

What is the Real Matrix? — The Evolutionary Path of Ego and the Rigid Human Intellect.

What is the Real Matrix? — The Collective Human Etheric Energy Field.

If the Matrix is a system of programming and control, the collective human conscious and subconscious, the evolutionary path of ego and the rigid human intellect, and the collective human energy field — then where does the Real Matrix really enforce itself upon people?

At home. At school. At work. The Matrix of Control is everywhere — but the Matrix affects you the most through those that you are the closest to — family, friends, co-workers, and people.

The Matrix is the child coming home from school selling cookies or magazine subscriptions as a fund raiser, when they would actually raise more funds for their own charity if you were kind enough to just give them twenty bucks for a good cause. The Matrix is the child coming home from school supporting a politician, before they are even old enough to understand what politics, political agendas, or propaganda even are. The Matrix is the child that watches reality TV shows and thinks that blowing $50,000 on a birthday party or wedding is normal. It’s not.

The Matrix is the friend who smiles at your face, but lies and gossips behind your back.

The Matrix is the colleague that you present a new idea, solution, something creative, or even something revolutionary to — but they just can’t seem to think outside of the box of their rigid human intellect — simply because they have always done what they have always done. Routine.

This is not the judgement of people. This is an observation of the human condition. Reality.

You have to have sympathy for the fact that people are born into the system of programming and control. You also have to understand that many of the people in that system aren’t ready to be unplugged. The world is living in an illusion. Oblivion.

The only real question is: How does one escape The Real Matrix?

You escape the Matrix of Control by neutralizing your ego and rigid intellectual opinions. You escape by neutralizing the inner negativity of the conscious and subconscious human mind. You have to transform attitudes and inner feelings that disempower you — into attitudes and inner feelings that empower you. It all comes down to Inner Power and Perception. It all comes down to expanding your consciousness and heart into warmth, wisdom, and understanding.

About the author:

khris_krepcikKhris Krepcik – the Hooded Sage – is a renowned etheric healer and metaphysical teacher with a lifetime of training in ancient wisdoms and mystic arts. With over thirty years of experience in the extensive study of ancient teachings, altered states of consciousness, philosophies, shamanism, mysticism, and metaphysics, Khris has also developed The Hooded Sage Course — an online school of personal guidance designed to help people develop their inner power and perception. You can contact Khris via his is website here and read his full bio here.

Source: What Is The Real Matrix? | Wake Up World